Iowa Developmental Disabilities Nurses Association DDNA

IDDNA coming to an end

Posted over 1 year ago

It is with sadness we must announce the cessation of the IDDNA. At our last meeting it was discussed and decided that the group is not meeting the needs of healthcare workers that it met previously. Both meeting and conference attendance have dwindled significantly and the time that goes into preparing for these can no longer be justified. Additionally the group has been trying to nominate a vice-president to transition into the president position next year and has been unable to do so. 

Per regulations regarding not-for-profit organizations, any assets must be transitioned to another not-for-profit. It was decided that our funds remaining after paying all of the last conference fees will be given to the national organization, DDNA. 

Additionally, we do highly encourage membership and participation in the DDNA if you are not already doing so. They also offer a fantastic conference every year that may be beneficial to attend if you are able.

Thank you to any and all who have been a part of IDDNA over the years, and thank you for your contributions to the field of developmental disabilities nursing.